Mage in Love has a new episode!

Episode 26: “Not that different” is up on Laterpress now. It should be available on Kindle Vella soon.
“Not that different” has Jihu and Gaeru doing a little negotiating. :D
Vella always takes longer, so if you want to read the new episode immediately, you’ll need to get the chapter bundles through Laterpress.
Read on Laterpress | Read on Kindle Vella
I’m thinking of converting this to a single price at Laterpress for the rest of the story, so if you want me to do that, you should let me know in the comments. If I do, that’d be one price for all episodes, paid once upfront to unlock the whole thing, until the story is complete.
If you prefer the chapter bundle pricing, let me know that, too. This change would be for you, not me! :)
If you go read the new episode on Vella, and you want more, a thumbs up and a follow will let me know!