Mage in Love

Mage in Love is a serialized M/M space fantasy romance.

Jihu and Gaeru are having an adventure…

Episode 35: “Told you so” is available now!

Read on Laterpress | Read on Kindle Vella

New episodes always take longer to appear on Kindle Vella. If you’re in a hurry, you can buy access from me and read immediately. :)

I use Laterpress to sell direct access (see below for details).

If you read it on Kindle Vella and want more, a thumbs up and a follow will let me know! :D

This story is currently only published as a serial.

About Mage in Love

Jihu makes a bargain with crafty (but hot) Gaeru to escape death. One bad decision leads to another and, soon, Jihu has only himself to blame for the trouble that follows…

As usual, I mix fantasy and science fiction elements with romance to get something uniquely mine. :D

Episode Titles

  1. “You lose”
  2. “Is it really?”
  3. “Third parties”
  4. “Sell out”
  5. “No such luck”
  6. “Reputation is forever”
  7. “Nothing but nerves”
  8. “It’s a draw”
  9. “It’s magic, baby”
  10. “One way forward”
  11. “One hard target”
  12. “Two steps back”
  13. “No regrets”
  14. “Says who?”
  15. “Make it work”
  16. “Back to the wall”
  17. “Not ready”
  18. “Into the flames”
  19. “Is this a joke?”
  20. “Loyalties”
  21. “Negotiation”
  22. “Harmless”
  23. “Scuffle”
  24. “Lend a hand”
  25. “Marked”
  26. “Not that different”
  27. “Sparks”
  28. “Enough”
  29. “Follow-through”
  30. “These walls are too thin”
  31. “Right back up”
  32. “No chance”
  33. “No choice”
  34. “Everyone?”
  35. “Told you so”
  36. Coming soon!

Mage in Love is a tie-in serialized story to the New Canton Republic series. It’ll take a while to reveal how it all fits together, but keep reading if you want to know how! :D

Read on Laterpress | Read on Kindle Vella

Buy Direct Access From Me

Don’t like tokens? Buy access from me (powered by Laterpress for easy online reading).

10 episodes (10 chapters) = $2.99 (in U.S. dollars). The first episode is free to read!

Screenshot showing bundle price of $2.99 to unlock 10 chapters of Mage in Love for reading on Laterpress
This is a just a screenshot. If you want to buy access to episodes of Mage in Love direct from me, click the link above!

You can also subscribe to my Odessa Lynne collection for an annual fee that gives you access to my entire collection of stories at Laterpress. All my previous novels and stories aren’t up yet, but I do intend to add them all. All my newly published stories & books at Laterpress will be available immediately upon publication to annual subscribers.