Tag Archives: Paranormal Romance

Coming Soon! A New Canton Republic Short Story

I’m so excited to finally have a (one of the) New Canton Republic short stories just about ready to go. :D

Here’s the thing. I originally set out to write a certain short story, but it didn’t cooperate. It became a longer short story, and I kept having to hold it back because I wanted a short story, dammit. But then I realized I was deluding myself. It wasn’t going to be a short story.

It’ll probably end up a novella, but I’m still unsure about that. :D I had to set it aside because I really wanted to write a New Canton Republic short story!

So I started another short story in the series and that’s the one I’m talking about now. :D

Get ready to revisit Gregory and Thrace from Of Magic and Mating in It’s a Love Nest! I’m just so excited for this one, and I hope you will be, too! :D

A Trade Paperback for Of Relations and Ships Is Available!

The trade paperback for Of Relations and Ships is finally available! At the moment, you can only get it from Amazon but I have a Barnes & Noble edition coming soon (it’s here)!

I like how the cover turned out for it, although during printing there are always going to be variations in colors, since that’s just the nature of printing and ink!

But here’s the cover flat. :)

Trade paperback edition: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

There’s also a little line after the end of the book that teases the next book in the New Canton Republic series. ;)

Tease for next book in the New Canton Republic series. Here ends Of Relations and Ships. The story of the New Canton Republic continues in the upcoming Of Ships and Treasures, a tale of magic, love, and alien abduction!

Psst… If You Read and Enjoy M/F Romance, I’ve Published a Book under a Pen Name

If you read and enjoy male/female romance, I’ve published a book under a pseudonym this past weekend. The book’s called Alpha Next Door and it’s paranormal romance. You can find details at the website for my pseudonym Lynne Sterley or go straight to the book at Amazon (it’s not published anywhere else at the moment). There’ll eventually be a male/male book in the series that I’ll probably “co-write” with myself. (Sounds crazy, I know.) If you read this book, you shouldn’t have any trouble figuring out who’s getting that story. I already adore him! ;)

Since I wrote this book under a pseudonym, I’m not announcing it to the new release list, but I did want to mention it in case anyone was interested enough to check it out. Thank you so much if you do! :)