So, the news came down today that Kindle Vella is winding down. I’d been afraid of this for a while, but I do think it’s sad that it’s finally happening.

However, Mage in Love episodes/chapters are also available from me at Laterpress, so the story’s still available and will be finished!
I’ll be giving some thought over the next few weeks how I want to handle the story going forward, and if I want to continue it as an ongoing story on Laterpress for subscribers and for sale in chapter bundle groups, or if I should just break the story up into volumes, for sale at all the usual places as an ongoing ebook series, much like the Hend & Yurt series and the R’H’ani Chronicles are published. It’ll be a long one and I know that, because it was always conceptualized as a serial story, so publishing in volumes seems like the only way to go if I want to put it up as an ebook.
The last day to add new episodes on the Vella platform is December 4, and I still plan to add some new chapters before then, so I’ll be posting them to Vella, certainly.
This is also a good time to mention that you can still read the first ten chapters for free on Vella at the moment, and then if you have any tokens left, you can use them to read the rest of the chapters currently available! :) Happy reading!